Thursday, February 27, 2014

Various Kitchen Adventures!

I finally took the time (which wasn't long at all) to slice up some of my big bags of Harvest Moon Society beets and carrots into a tasty slaw. This is so easy and has so many variations and lasts so long AND can be thrown into pretty much any dish or eaten on it's own. This is the lovely, overflowing blow of beauty before I dressed it with a zingy dressing.
So with this batch I ended up zesting and juicing a big, fat lemon and added some apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger, Sriracha sauce, Himalayan salt, tumeric and fresh ground pepper. It added a great deal of extra flavor and zing! Tossed it all together, covered it and threw it in the fridge for a week's worth of lunches and dinners! I just had a jar full topped with some raisins and sunflower seeds for lunch!
Dinner (for Mac) the other night was some of my slaw topped with some celery and raisins along with a wrap using up the leftovers from our weekend's roasted veggies and cashew sauce wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla with some mixed greens and some coconut amino seasoned mixed beans, lentils and brown rice. My dinner was everything in the wrap and slaw minus the wrap to make it gluten free.

Another tasty smoothie filled with an extra amount of mixed greens, celery, pear, ginger, some frozen berries, a scoop of Vega and some cinnamon and cayenne pepper. It was great mixed with some of my leftover Smoothie Booster Mix as a dessert! BONUS!

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